Native advertising is a well-proven and effective way for consumers to discover a new business, product, or service. It is a less intrusive, highly successful advertising strategy. By leveraging media outlets that are characteristically loyal, trusted advisers of the consumer community, advertisers significantly increase their return on investment.
Native Advertising…

• Captures consumer attention
• Becomes a subset of content marketing
• Improves the performance of ad campaigns
• Contains shareable content
• Builds relationships
• Works on mobile devices
• Is innovative

How Your Program Works

Your high-impact website spot includes your brand’s article with a company summary, in-line banner ad, a top-of-site banner ad, and right sidebar banner ad.
Your advertorial will be clearly marked “sponsored by”.Your website package includes:

• Advertorial spot with images

• Top banner ad (900×250) URL of choice (duration one month) 

• In-line banner ad (600×120) URL of choice (duration one month) 

• Right sidebar banner ad (275×125) URL of choice (duration one month) 

Your native website spot is then featured in our newsletter as a top- sponsored post sent directly to our enthusiast audience. You also receive two banner ads for the ultimate impact and CTR.

Your website package includes:
• Native article top-post sponsorship

     • 2 Banner ads (450×300) 

Website Engagement Statistics*

Average Monthly Page Views:
RC Car Action: 236,625
Model Airplane News: 192,808
RotorDrone: 20,027
Flight Journal: 18,297
Die Cast X: 12,575

Newsletter Engagement Statistics*

Average Open Rate:
RC Car Action: 14.5%
Model Airplane News: 25.61%
RotorDrone: 35.59%
Flight Journal: 30.78%
Die Cast X: 22% 

Average CTR:
RC Car Action: 3.5%
Model Airplane News: 25.61%
RotorDrone: 8.4%
Flight Journal: 10.64%
Die Cast X: 2.3% 

Ways to Expand your Native Advertising Package

• Social Media

• Videos

• Extra banner ads

• Homepage takeover